Collaborate with Phiten to bring about proprietary technology, where Phiten’s technology makes the best use of the characteristics of individual metals, which supports the body in a relaxed state, achieving a comfortable daily life.
We sell a wide range of products such as apparel, health foods, and building materials, where we utilize our know-how to apply our unique technology to all products related to clothing, food, and housing.
Incorporate Phiten’s unique technology into corporate products. We will propose the technology that best suits your product.
Manufacture original products with Phiten’s popular RAKUWA series.
Aqua Titanium is a nano-level dispersion of titanium in water using Fighten’s unique technology. By wearing products that use this technology, you can support your body in a relaxed state.
This technology can mainly be impregnated into fibers and the like.
Micro Titanium Ball is a unique titanium powder made in the process of producing aqua titanium by Phiten’s original technology.
By wearing products that use this technology, you can support your body in a relaxed state.
Aqua Titanium Silica is made by adhering the generated aqua titanium to silica by Fighten’s original technology.
By wearing products that use this technology, you can support your body in a relaxed state.
These technologies can be applied mainly to silicone-based materials.
Here are some of Phiten’s original technology adopted for various products:
Used : Aqua Titanium
The lining and insole are impregnated with aqua titanium.
It is possible to impregnate various fabrics with aqua titanium.
It is a recommended material for products that use fabrics such as apparel and cushions.
Used : Aqua Titanium Silica
Aqua titanium silica is used for the entire earphone.
Aqua titanium silica can be mixed with silicone or resin, so it is a recommended material for products such as swimming caps and plastic chairs.
Used : Aqua Titanium impregnated thread
Aqua titanium impregnated yarn is used for various products.
Since this material can be used when sewing, it is a recommended material for socks and knit products as well as bedding.
Here are some products that represented Phiten, such as RAKUWA series, as original products of many companies we have collaborated with:
Used : Aqua Titanium
Aqua titanium is used for the entire string.
It is also possible to manufacture RAKUWA necks with the original design printed on the strings, and to change the strings to water-resistant silicone.
Used : Aqua Titanium
The lining and insole are impregnated with aqua titanium.
It is possible to impregnate various fabrics with aqua titanium.
It is a recommended material for products that use fabrics such as apparel and cushions.
Used : Aqua Titanium
Aqua titanium is used for the entire T-shirt.
We have a wide variety of base colors, and we can manufacture unique original T-shirts such as commemorative T-shirts.
Used : Aqua Titanium
Aqua titanium is used for the entire mask.
It can be manufactured in plain or patterned, and is also recommended as a welfare program or gift item.